best time to post on instagram in 2024

Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024

Are you eager to maximize your interaction and reach on Instagram? Users are constantly seeking the most optimized time to post on Instagram. However, an endless debate has been going on social media for ages.

Instagram is a leading social media platform. Influencers, solo creators, or business accounts look to get the most out of Instagram marketing and find the best time to reach their audience.

Let’s figure out whether posting time matters and how diverse types of content and time frames help you optimize posting for your target audience.

Why Does Posting Time on Instagram Matter?

The question of how our digital interactions influence our relationships and shape our perceptions is increasingly relevant, where platforms like Instagram serve as windows into the lives of others.

Posting time on Instagram can matter for several reasons, as it can impact the visibility and engagement of your posts. Here are a few factors to consider:

Posting when your target audience is most active increases the chances of seeing your content. Consider the time zone of your primary audience and schedule posts accordingly.

Instagram’s algorithm considers the recency of posts. Posting when your followers are most active enhances the chances of your content appearing at the top of their feeds.

Higher engagement rates shortly after posting can boost the visibility of your content. If you post when your audience is active, there is a better chance that people will like, comment, and share your content, signaling the algorithm that your post is relevant.

Depending on your niche, there might be peak times when other users in your industry are also active. Posting during less competitive times can help your content stand out.

Posting consistently at specific times can help train your audience to expect added content from you. This can lead to better engagement as followers become accustomed to your posting schedule.

Use Instagram Insights or other analytics tools to analyze when your audience is most active. This data can provide valuable insights into the best times to post for your audience.

Best Time Frame to Post on Instagram in 2024

Posting on Instagram during the early morning on weekdays is considered the most effective time to maximize views. However, Instagram insights and analytics tools show these results.

Day of the Week(8 AM – 12 PM)(1 PM – 4 PM)(7 PM – 9 PM)
MondayMedium to HighMediumHigh
TuesdayHighMedium to HighMedium to High
WednesdayMedium to HighMedium to HighHigh
ThursdayHighMedium to HighMedium to High
FridayMedium to HighMediumHigh
SaturdayMediumMedium to HighMedium to High
SundayMediumMedium to HighMedium

This table lets you find the Instagram posts’ time range and engagement rate.

How Can You Discover the Best Time to Appear on Instagram?

Discovering the best time to appear on Instagram involves understanding your audience, analyzing data, and experimenting with different posting times. Here are some steps to help you determine the optimal time for your Instagram posts:

Use Instagram insights and analytics

Utilize Instagram’s built-in analytics tool, Insights. It provides valuable information about your followers’ demographics, location, and when they are most active on the platform. Access Insights by navigating to your profile, clicking on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner, and selecting “Insights.”

When your audience is more active

Understand your audience’s demographics, including their time zone. Consider when your followers are likely to be online based on their daily routines and habits.

Experiment to post with different times

Conduct experiments by posting at various times throughout the day and week. Monitor the engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares) for each post. Over time, patterns may emerge, indicating when your audience is most responsive.

Do competitor analysis

Keep an eye on when your competitors or accounts within your niche are posting. While you do not need to mimic their schedule exactly, it can provide insights into when your shared audience is most active.

Consider global audience

If you have a global audience, be mindful of time zone differences. Use a scheduling tool to reach different segments of your audience at the most appropriate times for them.

Find out peak engagement days

Identify the days of the week when your audience is most engaged. Some audiences may be more active on weekdays, while others might increase engagement on weekends.

Regularly review the posting schedule

Audience behaviors and platform algorithms can change over time. Regularly review your Insights and adjust your posting schedule accordingly to adapt to any shifts in engagement patterns.

Use third-party analytics tools

Consider using third-party analytics tools that provide additional insights into your Instagram performance. These tools may offer more detailed information and trends to help refine your posting strategy.

The most effective time for posting various content types on Instagram

Optimizing posting times for different content types on Instagram requires a nuanced approach, as user behavior can vary based on the shared content type.

Here are some tips for optimizing posting times for specific content types: 


Post high-quality images during peak hours when your audience is most active. This is during lunchtime (11 am to 1 pm) and evenings (7 pm to 9 pm) in the local time zone of your target audience.

Test various times to see when your image posts receive the most engagement. Analyze Instagram Insights to identify patterns.


Consider posting Instagram Reels vs TikTok videos during evenings and weekends when people have more leisure time to watch longer content.

Create highlight reels for important video content and share them during peak hours to grab attention.

Instagram Stories

Keep your Instagram Stories updated throughout the day, as they are designed for more real-time engagement. Post frequently to stay at the top of your followers’ Stories feed.

If you are making live videos, schedule them when your audience will likely be online and engaged.

Carousels Posts

Carousel posts, which allow multiple images or videos in one post, can be effective midweek. Share engaging, sequential content that encourages users to swipe through.

Captions and Text-Based Content

Share thoughtful captions or text-based content in the morning when users check their feeds before starting their day.

If you post regular text-based content, maintain a posting schedule to build anticipation among your audience.

Promotions and Giveaways

When running promotions or giveaways, choose high-traffic times to maximize participation. Consider weekends or evenings for increased visibility.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Share user-generated content during peak engagement to ensure your audience sees and interacts with it.

Tag or mention the creators of UGC to encourage them to share the content with their followers, extending its reach.

Educational or How-to Content

Share educational or how-to content during weekday mornings when users seek information or inspiration for the day ahead.

Establish consistent timing for such content to become a reliable source of information for your audience.

Reels and IGTV

The best time to post Reels and IGTV content is when your audience is most active. Tailor your content to be engaging and suitable for longer formats.

Localized Events or Content

If your content is region-specific, consider the time zones of your target audience. Post when your local audience is likely to be online.

Website Planet


Q: How can I increase engagement on Instagram posts?

To boost engagement:

  1. Focus on creating visually appealing and relevant content.
  2. Use Instagram Insights to understand your audience’s preferences and post during peak activity hours.
  3. Engage your followers through comments and messages. Consider running contests or collaborations to encourage interaction.

Q: Has the optimal time to post on Instagram changed in 2024?

The best times to post on Instagram can evolve due to shifts in user behavior and platform algorithms. It is recommended to regularly check Instagram Insights for personalized data on your audience’s activity to determine the most effective posting times.

Q: Are specific days more favorable for posting on Instagram in 2024?

The ideal posting days vary based on your audience. Instagram Insights gives valuable information on when your followers are most active, helping you tailor your posting schedule for maximum engagement.

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